American Tire & Wheel 115 Mall Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71913

Auto Repairs

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Need auto repairs in Hot Springs, AR? Give American Tire & Wheel a call. Since 1997, we've kept cars on the road for drivers like you throughout Hot Springs, AR, Malvern, AR, Hot Springs Village, AR, and all of central Arkansas. American Tire & Wheel is the #1 independent, single store tire dealership in Arkansas. We've worked hard to earn and keep this distinction, and it's reflected in everything we do. With state-of-the-art equipment and ASE certified technicians, we deliver a superb auto repair experience. Call on us to assist with your routine and preventive maintenance or to install your new lift kit.

Choose tires from a variety of great brands. If you do not see the tire brand you are looking for, let us know! We can order any brand.

Our convenient financing options put those needed auto repairs, new tires or new wheels within reach. You can apply online or in-store. Visit us Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. or Saturdays from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We look forward to serving you.

Areas Served : Hot Springs, AR | Malvern, AR | Hot Springs Village, AR | and surrounding areas

Axle & CV Joint Repair

Your vehicle’s axle and CV joint components are integral to the performance and drivability of your vehicle...

Nitrogen Inflation

Nitrogen gas is an alternative to air for tire inflation. Air is made of around 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen...

Steering and Suspension System

The steering and suspension system on your vehicle is responsible for maintaining comfortable riding conditions and driving performance...

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

Tires operating below inflation standards put the overall performance of your vehicle and the safety of your passengers at risk...

Tire Services

Tires are the connection between your vehicle and the surface of the road. Tires are a critical part of your vehicle’s suspension system...

Wheel Alignment

A wheel alignment consists of adjusting the wheels of your vehicle so that all wheels are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground...

Wheel Services

Many of today’s wheels are cast or forged and made out of steel, aluminum, or aluminum alloy. Casting consists of pouring liquid metal...

Contact American Tire & Wheel

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Contact Us

Phone: (501) 525-9433
Fax: (501) 525-6579
Address: 115 Mall Drive
Hot Springs, AR 71913
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